Become a foster family! Call 877.380.4376
All children and youth that Aspiranet places with families begin as foster youth. These children come from the Child Welfare System in California. Aspiranet receives referrals for children and youth between 0 and 18 years of age. Each year, Aspiranet supports the adoption of children and youth through its foster-adoption program.
Families interested in adoption start by fostering the child for a period of at least six months. Every situation is unique, and these times can vary.
In most cases, Aspiranet’s goal is to reunify the child with a birth parent or family. When or if reunification is not viable, the child’s existing foster family is most often considered for adoption. There is no guarantee that a child placed with your family will be able to be adopted, and there is no guarantee that when a child is available for adoption, that your family will be able to adopt them.
Aspiranet needs families that are open to fostering children while actively supporting their relationship with their biological family. This can include contact with the biological family, supporting visits with the family, coordinating phone calls, and encouraging healthy interactions.
It’s important to remember that Aspiranet puts what’s in the best interests of each child ahead of everything else.
Many times, it’s siblings in foster care that are in need of adoptive families. Aspiranet provides full support for you should you choose to foster-adopt siblings.
Out-of-state, out-of-country, and home studies for private adoption are currently not offered by Aspiranet.