There are children who need
a safe home tonight
Children in the most traumatic situations often need immediate placement and care. Scared, angry, and uncertain, these children need a safe place to go, often in the middle of the night, and sometimes with just the clothes on their backs.
Aspiranet is currently looking for individuals to serve as emergency resource families for children and youth who need immediate short term care. The unique demands require a special set of skills and circumstances.
WE need you. THEY need you.
Call 877.380.4376 to apply.
Emergency Resource Family
To be an Emergency Resource Family, you need:
A flexible schedule and time available to be with a child
Available 24/7 for placement referrals for high-need children and youth between 0 and 18 years old
Have experience parenting or working with children
Have a stable and nurturing home
Be empathetic to both birth parents and the extended family of a child
Own reliable transportation
Commitment to transport youth to their school of origin
Be organized, patient and a team player
Possess a willingess to learn
Please help fill
this urgent need.
Call 877.380.4376