Associate your brand with hope and promise in the Central Valley. Help support Aspiranet as we build brighter futures for at-risk youth and teens.
Aspiranet's Residential Cottages
Corporate Naming Opportunity
Support At-Risk Youth in the Central Valley
Aspiranet’s Residential program has served nearly four thousand youth from throughout California. Boys are referred to the center by the Department of Social Services, Probation Departments, Aid to Adoptive Parents, and Child Protective Services. Each young person comes to Aspiranet having experienced much chaos in their young lives. Many have experienced severe trauma and abuse and neglect. These scars and subsequent behavioral issues have prevented their success at home or in a foster home.
Your organization can provide direct support to at-risk youth in our community. Each sponsorship level receives a statewide press release, a ribbon-cutting event, prominent listings on Aspiraent's website, and in Aspiranet's annual Impact Report. Your sponsorship gift is tax-deductible, and all funds go directly to support at-risk youth in Aspiranet's Residential Program.
Contact Ramiro Maldonado to sponsor or for more information
rmaldonado@aspiranet.org or 415-603-0184
Residential Ranch Naming - $10,000
Your organization has exclusive naming rights for the entire collection of 8 cottages on 11 acres in Turlock. Your organization’s logo will appear on the residential cottages signage and will be included in every reference to the name of the ranch. The ranch naming structure will be Aspiranet [YOUR ORGANIZATION] Residential Cottages.
Residential Cottage Naming - $5,000
Your organization has exclusive naming rights for one of the residential cottages. Your organization’s logo will appear on the residential cottages signage and will be included in every reference to the name of the cottage. The cottage naming structure will be Aspiranet [YOUR ORGANIZATION] Cottage.
Click the video link to hear about Aspiranet's Resdiential program
We place our youth and their families at the center of our work and team with them to help them reach their goals. Each child and family has a voice in treatment and we strive to support them behaviorally, culturally and spiritually while focusing upon their unique strengths. The highly structured program provides youth with a safe place to work through their life issues.
We recognize that developmentally, youth don’t stand still while in treatment. While in residence youth have the opportunity to participate in activities of their choosing including, fishing, hiking, gaming, bowling, athletic teams, school-based activities, outings to various theme parks, arts and crafts, or working out in our gymnasium. During their stay, residents are exposed to new experiences. Going on day trips and overnight camping expeditions creates a unique bonding experience.
Youth often come to the ARS feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. Our challenge is to help them create a brighter future. Youth graduating the program leave equipped to deal with the challenges they’re facing in life, with the disappointments that come from everyday living, and with a renewed vigor. Before leaving, residents place their handprints in the cement pathway that runs down the center of the campus as a symbol of their graduation and their renewed hope for the future. It ties them to the Aspiranet family forever and serves as an inspiration for all who come after them.